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The waiting wolf

Saturday, January 26, 2013 / No Comments
I know it has been quite a while I last wrote any fictional flash, however I’m quite certain it is still in me and so today I decide to take you on an epic adventure. This adventure hangs from the very jaw of fear, a mystic, whose mystery posses a stunning reflection of our timid hearts. See:
The little mansion I and our little sister resides stood sky reaching at the top of the hill; they call it gentle hill. There- surrounding the hill, stretching from its base for a few hundred meters-lies a little swamp soaring with rich swampy lives. The swamp of course had always fed us with a little agricultural and hunting option. The big toads of the swamp, when roasted and dried, then introduced into my mum’s spicy melon soup is quite an irresistible dish when served with pounded yam. The vegetable of course, is a product of our little vegetable beds just at the dryer tip of our gentle hill. We rarely venture beyond our hill, reason best known to our parents.
So that faithful day, I clocked thirteen and the man in me was starting to whisper no more but brawl at me. So, I waited for dad to leave in his rickety truck, then I followed the bridge path, untill it terminated at the dryer landmass unfolding a prairie like expanse. This of course appeared as paradise to me, as the world I knew of was the barren hill top and the muddy swamp one. So I hopped around and about, happy at the lush beauty of the grassy expanse. But you see, little did I know evil lurks around, I saw a tree far beyond, I assumed the tree is of fruity goodness so I advance anxiously, hoping I would even get extras for my little sister. I was quite pacey and realized in no time that the tree was just meters away. Then I heard a loud, frightening sound, “Grrrrrrrrrrrr!” I quickly swiveled my head to where the sound came, and out of one the numerous tiny copses came a ferocious animal now charging at me. I felt an extra burst of energy as I rushed towards the tree and climbed it in seconds. I sat there, at a top branch of the tree, watching the seemingly hungry wolf roam below. So at the top of the tree I sat, waiting in misery for help of any sort. There I still was when darkness came upon us, there I noticed even beyond the horror beneath him, shone the eyes of his kinds. They send echoes of howls beyond the expanse. I believe I was toast as there seemed no miracle that could deliver me safely back home. So I sat there hungry and tired and hopeless until I dozed off, then I didn’t know how but I slipped and fell and then, all I knew was that the waiting creature charged at me and that was all I could remember.
Two days later I opened my eyes and found my dad by my side. He was so happy to see me come back around, but as an inquisitive boy that I was, I took no time in asking how, I had been saved from the hyena. He cleared his throat and said:

“That wolf saved your life my son, what you never knew was that we are a direct descendant of the wolf clan and our clan is the greatest friends of the wolves, however what you didn’t know as well was that you shouldn’t be caught out side in the swamp at night as foul creature crawls the swamp, they are called the poisonous  diving berries, and you see that grassland you were found, the prairie has a handful of other carnivores aside our friendly wolves and that was while upon seeing you and sensing that the wolf clan blood flows in your veins he decided to stay close so as to protect you. So there I sat, wondering how ridiculously I was indeed wary of my true enemies. Our instincts always prove the wisest, but are they really are?

balance of the earth

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Earth, a magnificent globe, that house the wonderful human kind; for ages there had been this war between two supernatural lords that has been placing the balance of earth on hang. However, you wouldn't understand until you see;

'' 'Do you know how godly it feels? Well, to know, you'll have to get on the lambent palm of an angel to enjoy a jolly ride like i am. We descended through an atmosphere of varying thickness, my subtle self sticking tightly to the angel's palm. I wouldn't expect you to be ridiculed, am not human and am visiting earth on a mission. My name is good, a disciple of this angel on whose palm i finally land on earth. I watched as my master sparkled a good bye in the air and flew back to the kingdom of the immortals above.
I've been thought the nature of humanity and hence sent here to be an ambassador of humanity. I decided to tour the earth and was dazed by the eye catching beauties that spread its expanse. I wasn't but conclusive that this is truly a place to find 'good'. I began my search afterwards, for my own disciples on earth. My targets being those among men that have got a conscience; Together, we are destined to create an earth of good, where every human lives for the betterment of earth,  reign of peace and rain of blessing, an abundance of kindness and exemplary sense of leadership taking a dominant toll on earth. But yet, as Eden as i plan to make earth, i have yet to make any notable impact. It is a pity and it makes me very sad.'

'I make a complete measure of life; your existence without me is ineffective, unappreciative. Though the signs and wonders behind me are terrific; I cause blushes, I effect bruises, I make men toil, I make women soil and I'm still the fear in children's thoughts. Even in the world of fantasy, you still find me scary. I come to existence for a familiar purpose, to make a world tour, gather my disciple and bring them to a lack luster destination. Some of you call me ugly, many a time beast, but I never get hurt by those names because my destined name is evil. My nature is black; my habitat is wild but I am cool in weird imaginations. The creator bountifully endowed me that I can turn things around in milliseconds, thus getting bestowed with larger disciples and having a huge share of life beauties. I never regret my purpose of existence.'

'Fate wouldn't smile on me, if evil still lurks on earth. Obviously, my mission on earth seems far beyond making sure every man carries out good wills. Instead it is more of fighting evil, as fancy and glamorous an earth i propose to build is. I discovered men with untainted conscience are rare. Evil always find a way to crawl into the souls of human and snatch their conscience away from my grab. I wouldn't get to know why they couldn't get to look at his fire-fiery eyes and see he is up to no good. But why would they let him hang his shawl of servitude around their neck and be slaves to what deserve to nest in hell and not on earth? I couldn't get a suitable answer to the question. So as it stands, my disciple are very few as compared to that of evil, plus I daily lose men to evil as he yet crept upon their souls. My eternal enemy seems to be winning this war, I begin to wonder what has been wrong with human conscience? Why would they be pleased with playing their balls into the hands of doom? I so much fear for the future of men.'

'I'm Evil, the subject with the largest disciple. Men boast with mission and vision, not at the expense of my survival. My Creator has endowed me with the zeal to govern; I'm determined and strong willed, not just a mere opportunist. My disciples flock after me because I catch their fancies with goodies of life. I create scenes and master mind emotions for the sake of wrecking man down. I over rule and subdue them to fear and anger as I wish. As people play their cards my own way, it makes me ridicule the existence of my blood brother; Good--I cut his wings, damage his legs and make him crawl, these effect how hazardous I can be to a disciple that chooses to reject my offer. I laugh when you cry; I'm full of joy when you choose to be sad. All these you don't have to wonder, because future is not my watchword and never existed in my code of conduct.' ''

So on whose side are you? Have you got a conscience? If you haven't, then you should know you are on evils'. Only when good wins this war can earth restore its balance. However, he needs our every helps. Do you however have what it takes to stay loyal and carry out good’s wills without prejudice? Do you? Let all live for good so as to help restore earth's balance.

You were wrong

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You are a perfect 21st century human, your beliefs exclusively based on what can be proved scientifically; you hate the word supernatural or mysterious. It is an ordinary night; you are returning from a movie, you held tight the steering of your car, anxious to get home because the peach beside you is incomparable. This is not only because she is beautiful but more because you've got feelings for her. You gassed on high, swerving through corners, her shiny black hair brush you occasionally during the drive. You are now few meters away from home, everything is working fine when she suddenly screamed 'watch out look out!'
You pressed the brake just in time to save both your lives. You eased off the seat belt, you could hardly rise, you were dizzy, you heard faint panting beside you, then a scream:
'Oh my god!'
'Calm down baby! we are not far from home’ you replied her. You reached out for her hands and helped her up. You walked over to the cause of the near accident. It was a tree, its spanned the whole length of the road and you can't cross over with a car. You began to regret your having to reside out there in the woods. She approached walking much more comfortably now. 'baby what next?' she asked.
'We'll have to walk the rest of the journey.' you replied. You returned to the car remove your key and secured the car before moving out. You advanced steadily not sure what roams the woods that late in the night. You began to hear strange voices and noises, you were not bothered. You held on to your pistol 'it is only some wolves and likes,’ you said to yourself. It then started to rain. You noticed no shelter around so you moved on. The rain turned heavy, you were wet head to toe and you noticed she is not keeping up, you looked back and saw her; she was half human half fish, a mermaid. You fainted and when it stopped raining you find yourself at home with her by your bedside fully human again. You were more dazed than frightened. 'May be it was all a dream after all.' you said to yourself. However, you know you were only deceiving yourself as this reality is totally against your beliefs. 'May be I've always been wrong' you finally said to yourself.