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The scare

I just finished polishing the last of the swords. Blood cuds stuck on my hands so I reached for clean water, washed my hands and tidied the kingdom arsenal. The war is over, what next? Indignant as our surviving heroes stood, they couldn't celebrate their victory. Thousands of men went for the war, only a few hundred returned. However victory is still victory, only that the surviving should not forget their fallen heroes. Completing the tedious tasks I decided to stroll to my friend's side. it was just a few hundred of meters away. So i merrily approached forgetting a war just finished. I reached Bode's side only to face wailing family members. His dad is a great warrior and this definitely means he didn't make it. I couldn't actually console him, the news skipped my heart, 'if bode dad didn't make it? Oh my dad!’ I made an exasperating dash home. How can I be so dumb thinking my dad is invisible? I've raced more than half the way on my rush home. I was all wet, wearied right to my bone, i was already growing tears.
'God I hope my dad make it, just as he always does.'
I reached home, mum was pacing the sitting rooms, my brothers all seated with strange calm, my heart raced much more. I couldn't control myself and busted into a short powerful sob. Everybody saw the strong me cry that easily, they couldn't believe their eyes. I rushed towards dad room, mum came after trying to pull me back but I wasn't just yielding, I pulled the door open, I saw dad on the bed he was dying, really dying. I rushed towards him. The physician pulled me back, saying; 'my boy calm down, your dad will make it, but right now all he need is a time alone with me.'
I just don't know what to say to him, I stormed out of the room, totally bitter and out rightly washed in tears. As those tears drops I began writing my speech. If dad should recover, he is never ever going to war again; unless he kills me first.

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